Thursday, May 29, 2014

Endive with Blue Cheese and Caramelized Pears

This is a great "guest-worthy" appetizer.  My mother-in-law was visiting over the weekend and I felt like I sort of failed on being a great hostess.  It's usually my thing ... having guests, making people feel comfortable, etc.  This weekend though, not so much.  First of all I didn't think she'd be arriving until noon on Sunday so first thing that morning I headed to the grocery store for lunch & dinner supplies only to return home at 10:30 and find her waiting on the hot patio outside of my locked house (oops).  I made lunch, we went to the pool and afterwards my husband grilled steaks for dinner.  Then after dinner, knowing mother-in-law and daughter were safe in bed, we headed to a neighborhood party where we had a few cocktails ... well, not a few, so many that I don't remember walking back to my house (another oops).  And the next morning when I was supposed to wake up and make breakfast for my weekend guest I was so hungover I stayed in bed until after 10, ugh (oops yet again!).  I did manage to make it downstairs for a bit holding back the night before's meal until my mother-in-law headed home.  I was so happy to be sick (truly, truly, alcohol-induced sick) in peace.  My only redeeming grace from the entire weekend was the appetizer I prepared Sunday evening ... the Endive with Blue Cheese & Caramelized Pears.  It's a crowd pleaser and my hope/wish is that's the only thing my husband's mom remembers, lol.  It's delicious!!!!  Reminds me of something from a fine-dining restaurant.

Here's the recipe:
3 tablespoons butter
2 tablespoons sugar
2 pears, peeled & diced
1 clove garlic, pressed
1 tablespoon red wine vinegar
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon ground black pepper
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
1/2 cup crumbled blue cheese
25 endive spears (about two heads)
1/2 cup pecans, chopped & toasted

In a large saute pan over medium heat add butter & sugar.  Add the diced pears and cook until well caramelized, about 8 minutes.  (keep stirring and make sure this does not burn).

In a small mixing bowl, whisk together the garlic, vinegar, salt, pepper and olive oil.  Add this mixture to the blue cheese.  Spread each endive spear with the cheese mixture and then top with the caramelized pears and finally top with the pecans.  Arrange on a plate in a floral pattern.  Enjoy!  Makes about 25 servings.  (My picture shows 1/2 of the recipe since I was only serving 3 people.)

Recipe adapted from:

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