Monday, August 26, 2013

Mojito Cupcakes

The mojito is very easily one of the most popular summer cocktails.  It is said to be the national drink of Cuba and is made with white rum, sugar, lime juice, mint and club soda.  These ingredients paired together make it a very refreshing summer drink.  What's even better than a refreshing summer cocktail???  A CUPCAKE version of a summer cocktail!  No need to sell me on this idea, I was ready to bake these babies the moment I saw them online!!  I only wish I found this recipe at the beginning of the summer versus the end of August ... my apologies!

Talk about a great cupcake!  These are light, moist & airy with a hint of mint and lime, not too sweet and just right for summer.  There's a bunch of steps but its well worth your time and effort. Just think, you can bring these to a Labor Day picnic this coming weekend and be the hit of the party!  

1 box of white cake mix
1 cup lemon-lime seltzer water
1/3 cup vegetable oil
1/4 cup white rum
3 tablespoons finely chopped fresh mint leaves
2 teaspoons finely grated lime peel
1 tablespoon lime juice
3 egg whites

To Brush the Cupcakes
3 mint leaves
2 tablespoons white rum

1 1/2 cups unsalted butter, at room temperature
4 1/4 cups powdered sugar
1 1/2 tablespoons lime juice
3 tablespoons white rum
1 teaspoon finely grated lime peel  

1) Make the cupcakes:  Heat oven to 350'F.  Fill 24 muffin cups with paper liners.  In a large bowl beat the cupcake ingredients with an electric mixer on low for 30 seconds then on medium for 2 minutes.  Divide batter evenly among muffin cups and bake for 18 minutes.  Cool on cooling rack.  

2) Brush the cupcakes:  muddle mint in the rum.  Drain with a sieve and brush over the top of the cupcakes.  

3) Make the frosting: Whip the butter with an electric mixer on medium speed for 5 minutes.  Reduce to low speed and gradually add the sugar. Add lime juice and rum and mix until fluffy.  This makes enough frosting to pile it high on the cupcakes.  Pipe onto the cupcakes and garnish with a lime wedge and mint leaf.

Recipe adapted from  Betty Crocker & Brown Eyed Baker

Monday, August 19, 2013

Blueberry Crumb Bars

I just got back from a relaxing week at the beach.  It was also a week away from my kitchen, a week away from baking, house cleaning & laundry.  We stayed in a beach house in Delaware right on the beach with two other families.  Breakfast went from early risers to late sleepers and only about 3-4 of us eating at the same time.  Dinner, on the other hand, was a sight to behold of 11 people all wanting to be fed at once.  It was interesting for me to see my daughter (an only child) in the mix of 5 other children...she fit right in and for a week it was as if she had a bunch of siblings.  Anyway, we got home yesterday and I spent hours doing laundry and today was a much needed trip to the grocery store.  ALDI had blueberries on sale for $1.29...awesome deal considering they cost $3.99 at Giant. Well, needless to say, the blueberries jumped right into my cart.  I was thinking of maybe using them in pancakes but I remembered seeing a blog a few weeks ago about blueberry crumb bars so I searched for the recipe.  This recipe is on a bunch of different sites actually but the one I remembered seeing was on Brown Eyed  I didn't change a thing except that I cut the recipe in half (the recipe below is the full version).

It was so enjoyable to be back in my own kitchen after being away and although I did some cooking on vacation I was anxious to do some baking.  My daughter helped to stir the ingredients and even stole a few blueberries.  The bars turned out perfect and I served them with vanilla ice cream.  We used forks but they are sturdy enough to pick up with your fingers like a brownie.  I was thinking of doing low-carb this week but I'm guessing I won't be able to resist having one of these with my coffee tomorrow morning.  Happy baking!

INGREDIENTS:For the Crumb:
3 cups all-purpose flour
1 cup granulated sugar
1 teaspoon baking powder
¼ teaspoon salt
1 cup cold unsalted butter, cut into small cubes
1 egg

For the Blueberry Filling:
4 cups fresh blueberries
½ cup granulated sugar
4 teaspoons cornstarch
Juice of one lemon


1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Lightly grease a 9x13-inch baking pan.

2. Make the Crumb: In a medium bowl, whisk together the flour, sugar, baking powder and salt. Use a fork or pastry cutter to blend in the butter, and then the egg (the dough will be crumbly). Press half of dough into the prepared pan.

3. In a separate large bowl, whisk together the sugar, cornstarch and lemon juice. Gently fold in the blueberries to coat evenly with the sugar mixture. Spread the blueberry mixture evenly over the crust, drizzling any excess juice in the bowl over the filling. Crumble the remaining dough evenly over the blueberry layer.

4. Bake for 45 to 50 minutes, or until the top is light golden brown. Cool completely before cutting into squares. Leftovers can be stored in an airtight container or wrapped in plastic wrap at room temperature or in the refrigerator.

Original Recipe

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Kath's OKRA Secret

This is not a recipe for Okra.  This is not even a recipe for anything really... its simply a food secret I wanted to share. You're welcome!

Did you ever have a piece of chocolate candy or peanut butter cup you just wanted to keep for yourself?  ...a little hidden treasure just for YOU that you can enjoy ALONE??

Maybe I'm the only one but I never liked sharing. Perhaps its because I don't have any siblings close to my age or maybe I'm really selfish like the birds from "Nemo."  Getting married was a real eye-opener in the sharing department especially since I have always been the person responsible for grocery shopping.  I guess I always viewed the items I bought as mine (is that wrong?).  Eight years later, I tolerate sharing but there's still a big part of me that doesn't like it especially when I have, for example, a diet coke chilling in the refrigerator and I go to get it only to find out its already been consumed by someone else (husband - guilty as charged).

We shouldn't have to share everything in our life, right??  Every once in awhile its okay to be selfish and have a treat that's just for YOU!  But where could you possibly hide something from the rest of the people in your house before they get their hands on it and eat it before you have the chance?  The answer my friends is OKRA!  This is my "Outstandingly-Kreative-Really-Awesome Secret."  It doesn't have to be Okra ... any vegetable that your family dislikes will work.

Step 1:  Purchase a bag of your family's least favorite vegetable from the frozen section of your grocery store.
Step 2:  Open the bag and discard the contents.
Step 3:  Wipe out the inside of the bag with a paper towel.
Step 4:  Refill with your favorite chocolate candies and close with a chip clip.
Step 5:  Place bag in the freezer.

Husbands and children will NEVER look in the frozen Okra bag. Never, ever!  Your candy will be safely hidden until you're ready to treat yourself to something that's just for you.  Believe me on this one ... my chocolates in this picture survived MONTHS from my husband and teenage stepkids. Time will tell if my husband reads my blog!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Shrimp Ceviche Cups

Two recipes in a row that aren't baked goods!!!  Aren't you proud of me??  ;-)

I can only take partial credit for this wonderful recipe.  I found it in a Pampered Chef book and made some changes to it to make it a little easier but just as tasty.  I will post a link to the original at the bottom of this entry.

This recipe makes a delightful summertime appetizer when entertaining guests.  I have made this at least 4 times this summer and it comes out perfect each time and is a huge hit with guests. This can be made a day ahead of time but don't assemble until you're ready to serve.

"Ceviche" typically means raw seafood that is "cooked" by marinating in citrus juice from a lemon or lime.  This recipe uses shrimp which have already been cooked just to be on the safe side when serving guests.  I get my cucumbers and red onions off the salad bar at the grocery store to save time.

24 mini tortilla chip bowls (the "scoops" type of tortilla chips that look like little bowls)
1/2 cup sour cream

2 Tbsp finely chopped fresh cilantro
Zest of 1 lime 
1 garlic clove, pressed
1/4 tsp salt, divided
8 oz cooked large shrimp, peeled and deveined, tails removed
1/2 medium red bell pepper, finely chopped
3 tablespoons jalapenos, finely chopped
1/3 cup finely chopped cucumber
1/4 cup finely chopped red onion
2 Tbsp lime juice

For filling, combine sour cream, cilantro, lime zest, garlic, and half of the salt in small bowl; mix well and set aside.

For ceviche, coarsely chop shrimp and pat dry with paper towels. In medium bowl, combine shrimp, peppers, cucumber, onion, lime juice, and remaining salt; mix well.

Store the ceviche and filling in separate plastic containers with lids in the refrigerator until you are ready to assemble.  

To assemble the cups: spoon sour cream filling into resealable plastic bag; trim corner. Pipe filling into the tortilla cups; spoon ceviche over filling, draining any excess liquid from the ceviche mixture against the side of the container. Makes 24 servings

Shrimp Ceviche Cup - Pampered Chef Recipe

Friday, August 2, 2013


I'm going back a few years here but I totally think about the salsa conversation on Seinfeld when I hear the word "salsa."

Tis' the season for fresh garden salsa!  Do you have a garden?  I usually have a small garden with tomatoes and herbs...I won't bore you with my many excuses of not having a garden this summer. Next year for sure; no excuses!

Even without having a garden I have been able to find some great, local produce at neighborhood fruit/veggie stands and the farmer's market.  I also have a really awesome neighbor who has an abundance of tomatoes and hand delivers his extras to my doorstep (part of my list of excuses for not planting a garden was counting on these tomatoes).

Home grown summer tomatoes are the BEST!  The impostors at the grocery store don't even come close to comparison.  I've always loved tomatoes... even as a little girl my mom & grandma would serve home-grown tomatoes on crackers with cottage cheese and I couldn't get enough.  I can eat tomatoes on a toasted English muffin, in caprese salad, topped on a burger or egg sandwich, etc the list goes on and on.  My daughter likes them as well and picks them out of my salads when we go out to eat.  She is not shy when it comes to salsa either...some children dip their chip and don't get much but my daughter wants her chip loaded and the spicier the better!

Good tasting salsa starts with good tasting tomatoes.   So even if you don't have a garden you can still find some of these tasty red tomatoes at your local farmers market or maybe, like me, you are lucky enough to have a generous neighbor.  This salsa recipe is perfect with tortilla chips or you could use it to top off grilled fish or chicken. I used this recipe last week to top off some beer battered fish tacos*.

1 1/2 cups chopped tomatoes
1/3 cup chopped onion
2 tablespoons fresh cilantro, chopped
1/2 red or yellow pepper, chopped
juice from 1/4 of a lime
1 garlic clove, crushed
1/2 cup black beans (or chopped pineapple or chopped mango)
3 tablespoons jalapenos, chopped (more or less depending on how spicy you like your salsa)
dash of salt & pepper

Mix all of the ingredients and refrigerate for at least 2 hours before serving. If you prefer a more finely blended salsa versus chopped you can put all the ingredients in a food processor. I like a more rustic chopped look but there are no rules here!  Enjoy!

*here's a pic of the fish tacos topped with the black bean salsa, pickled onions and a cilantro slaw ... they were delicious!