Thursday, January 16, 2014

Jalapeno Poppers

I see a ton of links for recipes when I'm looking through my Facebook newsfeed.  How many people are actually trying these recipes when they share the link??  Do you come back to any of my KathCooks recipe blog posts and try making the recipe???  I certainly hope you've tried at least one so far!! I'd love to hear some feedback!

Last month I saw a link to a recipe for Jalapeno Poppers from my girlfriend who is a Tastefully Simple Consultant*.  I just happened to have a bunch of jalapenos in my fridge (weird, I know).  I needed a jalapeno for a different recipe and my husband offered to pick one up at the store and instead of getting one he bought an entire package of peppers.  Okay, so perfect ... now I have something to make with all of those jalapenos and I immediately started making the recipe!  I didn't, however, have all of the other ingredients but I didn't let that stop me ... I used what I had in the fridge and wrote my own recipe.  I've made this three times since and they're VERY TASTY.  Its a perfect appetizer for a small group of friends or just a quiet evening with your significant other.  They are not as spicy as you might imagine. When you remove the seeds & membranes from the pepper & roast them the spicy level goes way down.  I also liked the fact that they are baked versus coated with a batter & fried like the ones served in restaurants.  The absence of the batter allows the flavors of the bacon & cheeses to really shine.  Enjoy!

6-7 jalapeno peppers (about 3" in length)
4 oz cream cheese with chives
2 oz colby jack cheese, shredded
3 slices of bacon, cooked & chopped
1 tsp of Mexican seasoning (taco seasoning or sante fe)
dash of Cayenne pepper
dash of salt & pepper

Remove and discard tops from the peppers.  Slice peppers in half length wise and remove seeds & white membrane. Mix cheeses and seasonings.  Lay the peppers on an oven safe pan and stuff with cheese mix.  Top with bacon pieces and additional shredded colby jack (optional).  Bake at 375'F for 25 minutes.  Serve & enjoy!

This is what they look like before baking.

*Thanks Mollie!  TS Jalapeno Poppers ... you can also LIKE her on FB for more TS recipes

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