Friday, March 6, 2015

Tuna Salad / Tuna Melts

I have been posting a new seafood recipe every Friday during Lent.  Of course you don't have to be Catholic to enjoy a fish dinner.  This week's "Fish Eater Friday" recipe is for tuna salad.

"Anyone can make tuna salad," says my husband.  "You're not planning on blogging this are you??"  (as if tuna salad would be the worst recipe I could possibly blog)  Then later during dinner I hear ..."wow, this tuna salad is better than Jimmy Johns."  So I have that going for me, lol.

My chicken salad recipe had a ton of views so why not blog my tuna salad recipe?!

I looked up a few recipes online and discovered that none of them were like mine.  They all had the same main ingredients ...tuna, mayo and onions (way too many onions in my opinion). Mine is different.  I use salad dressing (Miracle Whip) and a hard cooked egg.  It really does have a great flavor.  You can use this to make sandwiches, wraps, eat on top of a salad, on crackers, stuff in a tomato, or use for tuna melts. Enjoy!

3 cans water packed tuna
2 tbs celery, finely chopped
1 tsp onion, finely chopped
1 hard-cooked egg*, peeled & chopped
1/2 cup salad dressing/Miracle Whip or generic
1 tbs pickle relish
small dash of salt & pepper

Mix all ingredients.  Refrigerate until ready to serve.  Makes apptoximately 2 cups.

Tuna Melt Ingredients (1 serving)
1/3 cup tuna salad
2 slices cheese (I used American but any kind you like will work)
2 slices of tomato
1 English muffin

Split the English muffin in half.  Place on an oven safe pan nooks/crannies side up.  Bake in a toaster oven or conventional oven at 375' for a few minutes just to get a little toasted being careful not to brown.  Remove from oven and place about 2.5 tablespoons of tuna salad on each muffin half.  Place back in the oven for about 3 minutes.  Remove from oven and top each half with a tomato slice and finally a slice of cheese.  Place back in the oven and bake until the cheese melts.  Serve immediately.

*To make a perfect hard-cooked egg, place egg in a small pot and fill with water until it covers the egg.  Place on stove on high heat until the water comes to a boil. Once the water comes to a full boil, cover with a lid, turn burner off and time for 15 minutes.  Drain water immediately and cool egg with cold running water.  Peel immediately or store in the refrigerator unpeeled for up to 1 week.  -via "Deviled Eggs" book by Debbie Moose

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