Friday, February 13, 2015

Almond Thumbprint Cookies

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day.  We are staying in and having dinner at home.  I'm making Lobster & Corn Chowder to start and Shrimp Scampi for an entree (my favorite). I didn't plan anything too fancy for dessert (last year we had chocolate orange mousse). My daughter and I made chocolate covered pretzel rods the other day and there seems to be an abundance of candy in our house so there's no need to add to all the sweets but I didn't want to skip dessert completely so I thought of cookies.  I usually make these cookies at Christmas time but I thought they would also work well for Valentine's Day since they have a red center.  They're a small buttery shortbread cookie with a touch of almond flavoring.  The raspberry jam keeps them from being too sweet. These cookies are easy to make but they taste like you did a ton of work and they look beautiful when they're finished. Oh, and they freeze well too...the ones in this picture are from Christmas and taste like I baked them today.  Talk about an effortless Valentine treat! ...dessert course CHECK. Happy Valentine's Day everyone!!

1 cup butter, softened
2/3 cup sugar
1/2 tsp almond extract
2 cups flour
1/2 cup seedless raspberry jam 

1/2 cup powdered sugar
3/4 tsp almond extract
1 tablespoon milk

Preheat oven to 350'.  Cream together butter & sugar.  Mix in extract and flour until a dough forms.  Roll dough into small balls about a 2 teaspoons in size.  Make a small well in each ball with your thumb (hence the title 'thumbprint' cookies, however, I actually use the back of my 1/4 teaspoon measuring spoon so I get perfect little circles). Fill wells with jam.  Bake for 14-18 minutes or until lightly browned.  

In a small bowl mix the topping ingredients together and drizzle over the warm cookies.  Makes about 3 dozen cookies.

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