Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Tuscan White Bean & Sausage Stew

I skipped over this recipe a few times because of the fact it had fennel listed as one of the ingredients.  Years ago, pre-foodie, I would order shrimp with pasta anytime I went out to dinner no matter the restaurant ... if one of the menu options was pasta with shrimp, that's what I ordered (reminds me of someone I know who always orders fettuccine alfredo).  I completely missed out on some great meals & experiencing different foods during my early 20's because of this shrimp pasta habit.  Anyways, there was this one time I ordered shrimp pasta and it tasted like someone put black liquorice in it and when I asked the waiter what the flavoring came from his response was "fennel" and so because of that ONE incident I have been ANTI-FENNEL ever since.

My tastes have changed dramatically over the years and although shrimp pasta is still near and dear to my heart I love to try new things. Looking through my recipe book I kept coming back to this White Bean & Sausage Stew recipe.  I was a little afraid about the fennel at first but thought I would give it a second chance and I'm so glad I did! It did smell a little bit like liquorice when I was chopping it but after it cooked down it did not taste anything like I remembered ... it was more or less similar to an onion.  I even used the leafy top for a garnish! Perhaps the fennel in my pasta all those years ago was undercooked?

This is a great winter recipe, very hearty & delicious!

1 lb hot Italian sausage
2 medium carrots
1 medium bulb fresh fennel
1 can (14.5 oz) petite diced tomatoes, undrained
2 cups chicken broth
4 garlic cloves, pressed
2 cans (15 oz each) cannelloni beans
1 pkg (18g) fresh basil

1. Remove casings from sausage.  Cut in half lengthwise, then cut cross wise into 1/2 inch pieces.

2.  Place sausage into (4 qt) pot or casserole and cook over medium heat 5 minutes or until golden brown, stirring occasionally.

3.  As sausage cooks, peel carrots.  Chop carrots and fennel*; add to pot and cook an additional 3-5 minutes or until sausage is no longer pink and vegetables begin to brown.

4.  Stir tomatoes, broth and garlic into sausage mixture.  Drain and rinse beans using a small colander; add to pot.

5.  Simmer stew, uncovered, 10-12 minutes or until vegetables are tender.  As the stew simmers, chop basil.  Remove pot from heat; stir in basil.  Serve immediately.

Yield:  6 servings

*to chop fennel , remove stalks and root end! cut out core and chop into cubes.  The lacy fronds can be used as a garnish.  Diced onion can be substituted for the fennel if desired.

Source:  Pampered Chef, 29 Minutes to Dinner

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