Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Kath's OKRA Secret

This is not a recipe for Okra.  This is not even a recipe for anything really... its simply a food secret I wanted to share. You're welcome!

Did you ever have a piece of chocolate candy or peanut butter cup you just wanted to keep for yourself?  ...a little hidden treasure just for YOU that you can enjoy ALONE??

Maybe I'm the only one but I never liked sharing. Perhaps its because I don't have any siblings close to my age or maybe I'm really selfish like the birds from "Nemo."  Getting married was a real eye-opener in the sharing department especially since I have always been the person responsible for grocery shopping.  I guess I always viewed the items I bought as mine (is that wrong?).  Eight years later, I tolerate sharing but there's still a big part of me that doesn't like it especially when I have, for example, a diet coke chilling in the refrigerator and I go to get it only to find out its already been consumed by someone else (husband - guilty as charged).

We shouldn't have to share everything in our life, right??  Every once in awhile its okay to be selfish and have a treat that's just for YOU!  But where could you possibly hide something from the rest of the people in your house before they get their hands on it and eat it before you have the chance?  The answer my friends is OKRA!  This is my "Outstandingly-Kreative-Really-Awesome Secret."  It doesn't have to be Okra ... any vegetable that your family dislikes will work.

Step 1:  Purchase a bag of your family's least favorite vegetable from the frozen section of your grocery store.
Step 2:  Open the bag and discard the contents.
Step 3:  Wipe out the inside of the bag with a paper towel.
Step 4:  Refill with your favorite chocolate candies and close with a chip clip.
Step 5:  Place bag in the freezer.

Husbands and children will NEVER look in the frozen Okra bag. Never, ever!  Your candy will be safely hidden until you're ready to treat yourself to something that's just for you.  Believe me on this one ... my chocolates in this picture survived MONTHS from my husband and teenage stepkids. Time will tell if my husband reads my blog!

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